Education and CPD
Members of the APodA get exclusive access to a variety of resources and services to support them through their entire podiatry career.
WebinarsLive online learning with the opportunity to engage during the Q&A session - complimentary registration for members. |
Webinar LibraryView over 100 CPD webinar recordings on a wide range of topics - Members Only |
eCoursesSelf-paced online learning with assessments provides quality, accessible CPD wherever you are. |
Approved CPD ProvidersCPD activities which have been approved for their quality & capacity to advance the professional skills of podiatrists. |
Journal ClubLearn how to participate in self-directed CPD learning activities in your own time and place! |
VolunteeringEligible for up to 5 hours of CPD under community service in the PBA guidelines, an opportunity to support local community activities and groups |