Reminder: Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) update re: Personalised Medical Devices
22 Oct 2024

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has issued a reminder that any podiatrists intending to continue manufacturing or supplying patient-matched medical devices (PMMD) beyond 1 July 2029 must submit a transition notification by 1 November 2024.
The TGA strongly recommends that, even if you have previously submitted a custom-made medical device (CMMD) notification via the website or a patient-matched device notification through the Citizen Space platform, you resubmit your notifications using the new TGA database.
Please note, the transition period for PMMDs ends on 1 July 2029. To continue supplying these devices beyond this date, you must apply for their inclusion in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) before the deadline.
For further information, including how to set up an account and submit your notification, please visit the TGA's website here.