RESEARCH: Have your say and influence health care in Australia
5 Jun 2024

In today's data-driven world, the significance of participating in research cannot be overstated. Each response holds the potential to shape public policy or influence social change. Whether it's sharing insights and experiences, or contributing to studies, every survey response plays a critical role in creating a meaningful impact.
Read on as we share details of three research projects you can get involved in to help shape the future of health care in Australia.
National Allied Health Engagement Toolkit project
Allied Health Professions Australia (AHPA) is pleased to announce the launch of the National Allied Health Engagement Toolkit project. Lead by Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network (HNECC PHN), the project aims to provide practical resources and guidance to support primary care allied health professionals and their practices to engage with local health systems, PHN programs, and government primary care initiatives.
Designed to provide information and resources for navigating local health system information and opportunities to connect with other professionals in the region and build professional capabilities, when released, the Toolkit may distinguish different information and resources for different types of allied health providers. For example, large multi-profession employers versus single profession practices, which may help to navigate the Toolkit’s resources.
Supplementary material, in the form of an Implementation and Change Management Plan will be made available for members of the PHN Cooperative to guide implementation of the toolkit.
AHPA is assisting with the development of the Toolkit with the aim of providing knowledge and expertise, facilitating engagement with members, and supporting consultation activities. All the details are available via the AHPA's website here.
As part of this consultation, our podiatrists are invited to participate in an online survey. Click here to take part (closes 16 June) >>
Should you have any questions about the Toolkit or survey, please contact the HNECC PHN allied health team via
Are you a health practitioner who identifies as LGBTQIA+?
What do health care team environments look like when LGBTQIA+ health practitioners can be safe to be, or choose to be, their true, authentic selves?
Coinciding with PRIDE month, researchers at The University of Queensland are conducting a study entitled ‘PRIDE: Promoting queer-inclusive professional identities for diversity in primary healthcare’.
The study will focus on how people who identify as LGBTQIA+ are affirmed in their workplaces and if or how this influences patient care provision.
Participants will be asked to undertake a one-to-one, online interview with a member of the research team. Interview questions will cover individual experiences as a health practitioner with LGBTQIA+ identity or experience.
Interviewees will be remunerated $50 as an e-Gift voucher for their participation.
If you’re interested in participating in this study, please click here to learn more >>
Have your say: Primary Care Practice Viability survey
All allied health professionals are invited to take part in a survey on how the COVID-19 pandemic affected the long-term financial viability of their practice.
The research is a follow-up survey to research conducted in 2021 and is being conducted by independent researchers from the Centre for Health Economics Research and Evaluation at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and Deakin University.
To take this survey, please click here (closes 1 July 2024) >>
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