Therapeutic Guidelines for treatment of tinea pedis updated
2 Sep 2024

In 2023, the Therapeutic Guidelines were updated to change the recommended treatment for tinea pedis of the foot, not between the toes. The Guidelines for tinea now state:
- Tinea is treated topically or systemically depending on its extent and location.
- Topical antifungal therapy is appropriate for recent onset of localised tinea affecting the trunk (including groin), limbs, face, or between the fingers or toes.
- Oral antifungal therapy is appropriate for tinea that:
- is widespread or established (particularly on the feet)
- has not responded to topical antifungal therapy
- recurs soon after treatment
- has been inappropriately treated with a topical corticosteroid
- is on the scalp, palms or soles
- is inflammatory, hyperkeratotic, vesicular or pustular.
With the recommended management available to endorsed podiatrists being either terbinafine 250mg (child less than 20 kg: 62.5 mg; child 20 to 40 kg: 125 mg) orally once daily for two weeks, or griseofulvin 500mg (child older than one month: 10 mg/kg up to 500 mg) orally once daily for 8-12 weeks. You may consider griseofulvin as it can be crushed and given with fatty food.
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